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Table 2 Distribution of physicians’ responses to items on cost-containment strategies and cost-effectiveness data, as well as physicians’ overall mean scores for the five constructs of moral foundations

From: The moral psychology of rationing among physicians: the role of harm and fairness intuitions in physician objections to cost-effectiveness and cost-containment

Survey item and response options

N (%)



I would favor limiting reimbursement for expensive drugs and procedures if that would help expand access to basic healthcare for those currently lacking such care

  Strongly disagree

108 (11)

  Moderately disagree

218 (22)

  Moderately agree

482 (48)

  Strongly agree

191 (19)



Please indicate the degree to which you object (if at all), for moral reasons, to using cost-effectiveness data to determine which treatments will be offered to patients.


  No moral objection

457 (45)

  Moderately moral objection

405 (40)

  Strong moral objection

144 (14)