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Table 1 A summary of some important meanings of “the edge of medicine,” some examples, the corresponding key issues and challenges as well as the role of philosophy and ethics

From: The role of philosophy and ethics at the edges of medicine

Meaning of “on the edge”


Key issue and


Role of Philosophy and/or Ethics


On the border of what belongs to or counts as medicine

Expansion of concepts of disease, illness, or sickness.

Between esthetics and ethics (Cosmetic surgery)

Between healthcare and home care

Between professionals and patients/relatives (roles)

Between covered and non-covered services (dentistry)

Between medical and “non-medical conditions”:

• Sports medicine

• Female genital mutilation

• Male circumcision

Demarcation (of subject matter)

Differentiating between what is disease (illness or sickness) and not, what belongs to the goals and tasks of the health professional and the health care system and what is more appropriately handled by others, and when the health services do more good than harm.

Defining essence or goal

Revealing diagnostic creep, overdiagnosis, overtreatment, medicalization

Clarify concepts (disease, aging, autonomy, coercion)

Clarify the relationship between professionalism and ethics

Margin (of life): Between life and death (non-existence)


Palliative care

Physician assisted suicide


Demarcation (of existence).

Defining the tasks of medicine at the margins of life

Setting limits (to existence)

Defining key concepts, such as life, death, person, pain, moral status

Brink, Verge

The application of the knowledge and remedies of advanced medicine in areas of austerity

Global health emergencies

Health services to refugees and asylum seekers

• DNA-testing, ethics and migration

• Age determination in refugee children

• Refugees’ access to health care

• Domestic violence among asylum seekers


• Are our approaches in medicine relevant for other contexts?


• How far does the jurisdiction of our health care system go?

Reflecting on cultural and social contingency, universality


Reflection on goals

Emergency bioethics



Forefront of research

New technologies

• Gene editing, gene drives

• DtC genetic testing

Experimental treatments

Validation of personalised medicine

AI-based diagnosis and treatment decisions

Medical enhancement




Cost containment

Resource allocation

Clarifying concepts (human being, natural, therapy, knowledge, information, responsibility)

Clarifying goals

Analysing analogies

Providing methods for knowledge production and assessment (epistemology).


Conceptual and moral grey zones

Vagueness (conceptual) Relevance (moral)

Defining and handling:

• Vagueness

• Relevance

Plunge, abyss

Situations without moral resolutions

• Culpability, blame, shame

• Moral distress

• Residue, remorse

• Tragic choices

Defining and handling:

• Culpability, shame

• Moral distress

• Residue (moral)

• Tragic choices


Moral dilemmas

Moral failure

Moral disagreement



Conflicting perspectives

Conceptual clarification

Critique of perspectives and arguments


Balancing between unacceptable situations or conditions. Finding optimum, panacea

Mammography screening

Reject and retake of medical images

Judgement, balancing,

Quality, optimization

Finding ways to balance interests, perspectives, and concerns

Quality assurance